
Parallel Parking 101

Dad walks in at midnight. Meaghan with her hot off the press driver's license is sitting on the couch.

Meags: Hi Daddy.
Dad (Slightly under the influence): Go park the car for me, please.
Meaghan walks outside to find the car in the middle of our one lane very crowded bumper to bumper parked street. She diligently parallel parks the car for the first time ever on the left side of the street and proudly walks back into the house.
Dad: Hey Meaghan, Steak-n-Shake sure sounds good. Why don't we go to Steak-n-Shake...you can drive.
Dad stumbles down the porch stairs. Meags happy to be driving so much with her newly minted license escorts Dad through the Drive-thru at Steak-n-Shake. As they pull back in front of the house, Dad pops back out of the car and leaves Meags with instructions to park it. He walks in to start eating while Meaghan tries to figure it all out again (on the left side of the street).

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