
Some never learn

My brother, Harlyn, and I are about 2.5 years apart and probably not the closest 2 siblings in my family, but I do owe him several thanks for all the hook-ups in my early 20s (and maybe even late teens).

Harlyn would often "sneak" to parties with his friend, James. I'm not sure if it is called sneaking if you get caught every night, but either way. Harlyn would get in late at night and part of check-in and getting down to our bedrooms is walking past our parents' room and turning off the hall bathroom light. Harlyn not always thinking that if the light behind you is on, then Mom and Dad could often see whether or not you were carrying something, like a case of beer.

Dad would often wake Harlyn up early the next morning for some reason or another (and our parents always had reasons when we were out late to make sure we had to be up at the crack of dawn). Then, after Harlyn would leave the house, Dad would walk down to his room and find my brother's leftovers from partying the night before. If it was something he liked, Dad kept it, if not, he called me up to come pick it up. I usually ended up with a case or two a week. Thanks, Harlyn!

The funny part is: Dad never confronted Harlyn on the above; and Harlyn never questioned anyone where all his alcohol kept disappearing to.

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